
Exploring Safari Browser on Windows: Tips and Tricks for Seamless Testing

In the web development world, at a global level, it is pertinent that your website or application works well in all browsers but not fail in your product, and here is where cross-browser testing fits in. Some days, the world of web. However, it gets a bit tricky when testing the browsers not so easily within reach in all operating systems, including such browsers as Safari on Windows. For instance, while Safari ranks among the leading browsers in the world and among users of Apple devices, it poses different challenges to Windows-based developers. This blog aims to shed light on these challenges and offer practical tips and tricks to make testing on Safari easier for Windows users.

Understanding Safari for Windows

Safari for Windows was officially supported by Apple up until 2012, with the last version being Safari 5.1.7. After this, Apple decided to discontinue Safari for Windows, leaving web developers in a bit of a bind. Testing on Safari became more complex for those relying on Windows systems, as direct access to the browser was no longer an option.

Despite its discontinuation on Windows, Safari remains an important browser to test due to its significant user base among Apple device owners. Websites and applications must perform well on Safari to ensure a good user experience for this audience. This has led developers to seek alternative methods to test their sites on Safari, even without direct access to a macOS device.

Virtual Machines and Remote Desktops

One of the most effective ways to test on Safari from a Windows PC is through the use of Virtual Machines (VMs) and remote desktop solutions. These methods simulate a macOS environment on a Windows system, allowing you to run Safari and test your web applications or sites.

Setting up a VM with macOS to run Safari:

  1. Choose a VM software: Popular choices include VirtualBox and VMware. Both offer robust features for running macOS on Windows.
  2. Download a macOS image: You’ll need a copy of the macOS installation media. This is usually available from the App Store but ensure you have the legal right to use it.
  3. Create a new virtual machine: Open your VM software and create a new VM, selecting the macOS image you downloaded as the startup disk.
  4. Configure your VM: Allocate resources like CPU cores and RAM. For web testing, you don’t need a lot, but ensure it’s enough for macOS to run smoothly.
  5. Install macOS: Follow the on-screen instructions to install macOS on your VM. This process is straightforward if you’ve ever installed an OS on a VM before.
  6. Install and run Safari: Once macOS is up and running, you can install Safari (if it’s not already included) and start testing your websites.

Pros and Cons of using VMs and remote desktops:

  • Pros:
    • Accurate testing environment that closely mimics real Safari usage.
    • Flexibility in testing different versions of Safari and macOS.
  • Cons:
    • Setting up can be time-consuming and complex for beginners.
    • VMs can be resource-intensive, requiring a powerful Windows machine.

Browser Emulation Tools

Another approach to testing Safari on Windows is using browser emulation tools. These tools simulate the Safari browser within another browser, allowing some level of testing without needing a macOS device.

How they work and limitations:

Browser emulation tools work by mimicking the user agent of Safari, attempting to replicate its behavior and rendering quirks. However, these tools are not perfect. They often fail to accurately mimic the exact rendering and functionality of Safari, particularly with complex CSS and JavaScript.

Best practices for using emulation tools:

You can even try your website or application under Safari, for that matter, with emulation tools found in the browser. Tools of emulation will work to simulate the Safari browser environment, and this means you will be able to do your first tests without necessarily quitting the Windows operating system. However, it’s important to remember that emulation can only approximate the Safari browsing experience. Here’s how to make the most out of browser emulation tools while acknowledging their limits:

Use Emulation as a Preliminary Test

Browser emulation tools are incredibly useful for conducting initial checks on your web projects. That way, within seconds, you have an idea of how your site or app looks and works on Safari, all without having access to an actual macOS device. This is particularly useful during the early stages of development, when most of your edits must be quickly, immediately tested.

However, emulation tools have their limitations. They may not perfectly replicate how Safari processes JavaScript or CSS, leading to discrepancies between what you see in the emulator and what users experience on actual Safari browsers. That’s why emulation should be seen as the first step in a larger testing process. It’s great for identifying obvious issues early on, but it shouldn’t be your only method of testing for Safari compatibility.

Cross-Reference with Real Device Testing

Ensure testing your website or application on real macOS devices with the browser to understand how it performs. This could be in the form of setting up a macOS virtual machine on your Windows PC, using a remote desktop service to actually use a Safari browser on a macOS device, or literally utilizing a testing platform in the cloud.

Real device testing helps you validate the results you got from emulation tools. It’s the best way to catch issues that emulation might have missed, especially those relating to interactive elements, animations, or complex CSS and JavaScript. Testing on a real device also allows you to experience your site or app from a user’s perspective, providing insights into usability that can be crucial for optimizing performance and engagement.

Stay Updated

Browser technology evolves rapidly, with new versions and updates released frequently. Browser emulators are updated regularly to reflect these changes, improving their accuracy and functionality. Staying current with the latest versions of these tools is essential to ensure that your emulation testing is as effective as possible.

Using outdated emulation software can lead to misleading results, as it may not accurately represent the latest browser behaviors or supported technologies. This is particularly true with Safari, which has introduced significant updates in areas like privacy, security, and performance optimization. By keeping your emulation tools up-to-date, you can test your websites and applications against the most current standards, ensuring compatibility and a smooth user experience for Safari users.

In summary, while browser emulation tools offer a convenient and quick way to check your site’s compatibility with Safari, they should be just one part of a comprehensive testing strategy. Combining emulation with real device testing and staying up-to-date with the latest tool versions are key steps in ensuring that your site or application delivers a flawless experience across all browsers, including Safari.

Safari Testing with LambdaTest

It is a cloud-based platform, so no doubt LambdaTest has come up with a revolution for web developers and testers, especially in cross-browser testing. The real Safari browsers on real devices enable the users to take their website or application on any given Safari version for a test spin without the need to own a macOS device. This is a huge benefit for Windows users, as it avoids the complexity of setting up VMs or remote desktops.

Key Features of LambdaTest:

  • Live Interactive Testing: Test your website in real-time on any Safari version available on LambdaTest.
  • Automated Screenshot and Video Recording: Automatically capture screenshots and videos of your test sessions, making it easier to spot and document issues.
  • Integration with Bug Tracking Tools: LambdaTest can seamlessly integrate with popular bug tracking tools, streamlining your workflow and making it easier to report and track issues.

Mini-Tutorial on Setting up a Test Session for Safari on LambdaTest:

  1. Sign Up/Login: First, you need to create an account on LambdaTest or log in if you already have one.
  2. Select Real Time Testing: From the dashboard, choose ‘Real Time Testing’ which allows you to interact with the browser as if it were installed on your computer.
  3. Choose Safari: You’ll be presented with a range of browsers and versions. Select Safari and the version you want to test on.
  4. Enter Your URL: Type in the URL of the website you wish to test.
  5. Start Testing: Click ‘Start’. In moments, you’ll have a live Safari browser running in the cloud, ready for testing.

This simplicity and efficiency remove much of the hassle associated with Safari testing on Windows, making it an essential tool for developers.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Testing on Safari can reveal issues not found in other browsers, thanks to its unique features and quirks. Here are some advanced strategies to make your Safari testing on Windows more effective:

Debugging Cross-Origin Issues: Safari has stringent security policies which can lead to cross-origin errors. Use LambdaTest to test these scenarios and configure your server headers to comply with Safari’s requirements.

Testing with Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention: This feature can affect how cookies are handled. Test your site’s login and tracking features on Safari to ensure they work as expected.

Utilizing Safari’s Developer Tools via Remote Access: Although you’re testing on Windows, LambdaTest allows you to access Safari’s developer tools, offering deeper insights for debugging.

Responsive Design Testing: Use LambdaTest’s responsive design testing feature to see how your site looks on different Apple devices, taking note of font rendering and layout issues.

Handling Safari-Specific CSS Prefixes: Safari sometimes requires specific CSS prefixes. Use LambdaTest to verify that your styles apply correctly across all Safari versions.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Several common pitfalls can trip up developers when testing on Safari. Here’s how to avoid them:

  • Overlooking Safari Updates: Safari gets updated regularly. Always test on the latest version, as well as on older versions that your audience might still use.
  • Ignoring Safari’s Rendering Engine: Remember, Safari uses the WebKit rendering engine, which handles HTML and CSS differently than engines used by Chrome or Firefox. Pay special attention to these differences during testing.


Including Safari in your cross-browser testing matrix is essential, despite the extra steps needed for those on Windows. The tools and techniques discussed here, especially LambdaTest, can greatly simplify the process, allowing you to focus on creating a seamless user experience across all browsers. By taking advantage of cloud-based platforms, emulators, and VMs, you can ensure that your site or application performs well on Safari, no matter your operating system.

We encourage all developers and testers to share their experiences and tips for testing Safari on Windows. Your insights could help others navigate these challenges more effectively, fostering a community of knowledge-sharing and support.

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